On October 13, 2024, the University of Languages and International Studies - VNU held the opening ceremony for the VNU12+ Talent Incubation Program for high school students within VNU. The VNU12+ Program is a pioneering initiative aimed at developing talent from the high school level, providing students with access to university education while still in school.
Alongside many representatives from VNU leadership and VNU high schools, the High School of Educational Sciences was represented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Huong - Chairwoman of the School Board, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Duc Hiep - Principal, and MA. Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoa - Vice Principal.
In his opening speech, Dr. Do Tuan Minh - Chairman of the University of Languages and International Studies School Board emphasized the importance of affiliated high schools in maintaining and enhancing VNU's reputation within Vietnam's education system. Although this is the program's first year, VNU12+ has attracted special attention from students of the Foreign Language Specialized High School, Natural Sciences Specialized High School, Social Sciences and Humanities Specialized High School, and Educational Sciences High School.
The VNU12+ Program focuses not only on teaching knowledge but also encourages students to participate in scientific research and innovation activities, helping them develop independent and creative thinking while potentially reducing university study time.
Vietnamese version: https://hes.vnu.edu.vn/tin-tuc/1447-hs-hes-tham-du-khai-giang-chuong-trinh-uom-tao-tai-nang-truong-ulis/