On October 12, 2024, the School of Interdisciplinary Studies and Arts (SIS) held the opening ceremony for the VNU12+ program for high school students. The ceremony was attended by SIS leadership and faculty members. The High School of Educational Sciences was represented by Vice Principal Nguyen Tien Dung, along with parents and admitted HES students.
The VNU12+ program for high school students within Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) provides students with significant opportunities to experience an advanced, creative, and specialized university learning environment. In this inaugural year, with careful preparation and dedication from VNU member units' faculty, admitted students will gain valuable and enriching learning experiences.
The High School of Educational Sciences is confident that the VNU12+ program will continue to grow and expand, creating more opportunities for future student generations. The program's success represents not only the pride of implementing units like the School of Interdisciplinary Studies and Arts but also serves as motivation for high schools to further enhance their educational quality.
Vietnamese version: https://hes.vnu.edu.vn/tin-tuc/1439-hs-hes-tham-du-khai-giang-chuong-trinh-uom-tao-tai-nang-truong-sis/