The National High School Exam is considered one of the most critical milestones in student life; a hinge marking maturity, closing 12 years of hard work, searching, and affirming the value to enter the learning path for tomorrow's career.
Experiencing the challenging high school exam, with the unremitting efforts and efforts of both teachers and students, Science Education High School is incredibly proud to receive outstanding achievements from the 5th-school-year students. (school year 2020-2023).
With the result that 100% of students passed high school graduation, the average score in Mathematics, Literature, English and Social Sciences was higher than the national average from 0.8 to 2.51 points. Considering only the 3 general exam subjects, the average score of HES subjects compared to the national average and the Hanoi Department of Education and Training is Mathematics 7.25/ 6.25/6.68; Literature 7.68/ 6.86/ 7.27; English 7.96/ 5.45/ 6.34.
University admission scores by block from 22 points or more account for 74.75%; from 24 to 26 points, accounting for 31.86%; from 26 points or more accounts for 8.58%. Grade 12 has 219 out of 448 students with international standard certificates in Foreign Languages (accounting for 71.15%). Education CD subject with 13 points of 10, Literature subject with 10% of students scoring 9 or higher and many scores of 8.9 in other subjects are numbers that speak for the quality of education and training of the University.