On December 28, 2023, a remarkable event unfolded at the High School of Educational Sciences, located within the Vietnam National University, Hanoi Urban Area, Hoa Lac campus. The inaugural HESERS’ Voice contest, held as part of the annual Metanoia 2023 activities, added a vibrant hue to the Experiential Education Festival and Local Education "The First Spring" for HES students.



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Spanning three captivating rounds – Audition, Semi-Final, and Live Performance – the contest sought out the most talented voices among HES students. Participants showcased not only precise English pronunciation but also captivating vocal prowess and stage presence.

 The Final match served as a platform for contestants to demonstrate their full potential and unwavering dedication. Regardless of whether they clinched awards, each participant exuded confidence and delivered uniquely compelling performances.

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Let's extend our heartfelt congratulations to the exceptional winners:

1. First Prize – Le Yen Nhi (Grade 10A3)

2. Second Prize – Khuc Thien Hong Anh (Grade 12A5)

3. Third Prize – Doan Hanh Dung (Grade 12D1) and Vu Ngoc Tuan Tu (Grade 11A3)

 Stay tuned for the next HESERS' VOICE contest!

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